The Department of Economic Affairs is responsible for all legal transactions of the HTW, budget plans of the representative institutions as well as project funding and accounting. This unit serves as a point of contact for lecturers and representatives of study programs when they are planning expenditure, and it also makes decisions on the financial aspects of projects together with the Chair.

Unit team
Photo by Karl Litschauer
Karl Litschauer

Deputy Head of Economic Affairs

Martin Frischmann

Consultant for economic affairs

Unit members talk about their work

Martin Frischmann (current speaker): 

"My tasks include monitoring the budget, coordinating the annual financial statements, preparing the next annual budget and working closely with the Chair to approve payments, projects and investments."

Karl Litschauer (deputy economic advisor/former advisor):

"As economic officer, I check invoices, approve payments, sign contracts and keep an eye on the budget. An annual estimate for the next financial year has to be drawn up by the end of June. Annual financial statements (balance sheet, income statement) have to be prepared by the end of December, which are then audited by an auditor."