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Help on the current Ukraine/ Russia conflict

Dear students.this time is not easy for many people! Therefore, we would like to try to support you with this mail as much as possible and show you any immediate help or possible support.With the invasion of Ukraine and the corresponding far-reaching consequences, as well as the floods of various news, students are also affected,…


FIT Botschafterin für 2021/22 gesucht!

Das Studienorientierungsprojekt FIT WIEN-NÖ-BGLD sucht für das kommende Wintersemester 2021/22 wieder FIT-Botschafterinnen für die Durchführung von FIT-Vorträgen an Schulen in Wien, Niederösterreich und dem Burgenland. Wir würden uns sehr freuen, auch einige Studentinnen der FH Technikum Wien mit im Boot zu haben! Die Stellenausschreibung findet Ihr im Anhang!   Bewerbungsfrist ist der 01. Oktober 2021,…


👋 Welcome (back)! 👋

Last Thursday (8.09) has ended the Welcome Days at our Technikum. Our chairman Stefan, together with the HTW team, were able to introduce the HTW and its offers to our fresh first semester students during these get-to-know days! 📣 A tour of the UAS allowed them to explore the HTW office and then be entertained…

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Opening hours from 04 September 2022

Dear students,from 04.09.2022 the HTW office is back from the summer break and will be open for you again at the following opening hours: Monday 09:00 – 14:30 Uhr Tuesday 13:00 – 18:30 Uhr Thursday 9:30 – 13:30 Uhr … and appointments by arrangement are possible! For questions, various concerns, etc., we are of course…


Inter-University Cooperation at eAccessibility Hackathon

On window day, 27.05.2022, the FH Technikum Wien (@technikum_wien ) in cooperation with the TU Graz (@studytugraz )organized a hackathon on the topic of “eAccessibility” in Vienna. There was not only a cooperation between the educational institutions themselves, but also between the student bodies of the FHTW ( ) and the TU Graz (@htugraz ).…


Career Photo Day 26.04.2022

Dear students, You would like to have a professional application photo at a fair price, then watch out: we may again announce the ever popular Career Photo Day for the summer semester 2022: When: Tuesday, April 26th , 2022 from 09 a.m. to 6 p.m. You can have your application photo taken directly at the UAS…


Awareness: Transgender Day of Visibility

Dear students, On 31th of March we are celebrating the “Transgender Day of Visibility” together with all of you! ❤⚧ “Transgender Day of Visibility is a spark of hope,” says Nia Clark, a trans woman. “It signals to others that we exist now and that there are more than just one of us … that…
