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Invitation to the 2nd ordinary meeting of the University Representation in the summer semester 2024

Dear members of the Hv and the STrV, I cordially invite you to the 2nd ordinary FHV meeting in SS/24. Date & time: 11.06.2024 at 17:00 Place: HTW office B2.08, Höchstädtplatz 6, 1200 Vienna Agenda: In order to be able to hold the meeting efficiently, requests to speak on the items on the agenda should be sent in writing to by 11.06.2024 15:00, stating the request to speak and the...

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Invitation to the 1st ordinary meeting of the University Representation in the summer semester 2024

Dear members of the Hv and the STrV, I cordially invite you to the 1st ordinary FHV meeting in SS24. Date & time: 21.03.2024 at 17:30 Place: HTW office B2.08, Höchstädtplatz 6, 1200 Vienna Agenda: In order to be able to hold the meeting efficiently, requests to speak on the items on the agenda should be sent in writing to by 21.03.2024 15:00, stating the request to speak and...

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Invitation to the 2nd ordinary meeting of the University Representation in the winter semester 2023/24

Dear members of the Hv and the STrV, I cordially invite you to the 2nd ordinary FHV meeting in WS23/24. Date & time: 12.12.2023 at 13:00 Place: HTW office B2.08, Höchstädtplatz 6, 1200 Vienna Agenda: Please send requests to speak on the items on the agenda in writing to by 12.12.2023, 12:55, stating the request to speak and the item on the agenda.

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Invitation to the 2nd ordinary meeting of the AGM in SS2023

Liebe Mandatar*innenliebe Studienvertreter*innen,liebe Studierende, Wir möchten euch herzlich zur 2. ordentlichen Sitzung der Hochschulvertretung im Sommersemester 2023 einladen. Datum: 26.05.2023Zeit: 12:00Ort: B2.08 (HTW-Büro) Die Tagesordnung für die ordentliche Sitzung lautet: Feststellung der ordnungsgemäßen Einladung Feststellung der Anwesenheit und Beschlussfähigkeit Genehmigung der Tagesordnung Genehmigung des Protokolls der 1. ordentlichen Sitzung des Sommersemesters 23 Bericht des Vorsitzenden…