Election result
The complete results of the election (or the counting of the students' votes at UAS Technikum Wien) can be found here.
The complete results of the election (or the counting of the students' votes at UAS Technikum Wien) can be found here.
Of the 235 votes cast (including postal votes), the distribution among the candidate lists is as follows:
VSStÖ: 26.52%, 15 mandates
AG: 21.12%, 12 mandates
GRAS: 18.58%, 11 mandates
FLÖ: 8.30%, 4 mandates
JUNOS: 9.01%, 5 mandates
KSV LiLi: 5.21%, 3 mandates
KSV-KJÖ: 4.45%, 2 mandates
RFS: 2.84%, 1 mandate
HERBERT: 3.97%, 2 mandates
You can find the complete list here.
Of the 9 mandates to be awarded, the breakdown is as follows:
UPS: 6
AG: 3
The following students have achieved mandates:
Alexander Annerl, Thadeus Habsburg-Lothringen*, Mohamed Hamouda, Maximilian Kraft, Roland Rzecznicek, Jai Singh
*Lot decision according to §54 para. 1 HSG
lsabella Beck, Joachim Berger*, Tobias Blessing, Simon Gstirner, Julian Haring, Nino Hirschegger, Tobias Jirec, Paul Krainer, Klara Kutrybala, Pierre Rauchs, Paul Steiner, Stephan Szambor, Nursuluu Zholdoshbekova
*Lot decision according to §54 para. 1 HSG
Noah EI Moghazy, Lukas Feichtinger, Benedikt Galbavy, Manuel Hanifl, Alexander Nachtmann, Yehor Zudikhin
Monika Blehova, Olga Gebhard, Patrik Macha, Daniel Müller, Nadja Zögl
*Lot decision according to §54 para. 1 HSG
Matthias Jenewein, Andras Kozak, Dominik Papp
The ÖH election took place this year from May 9 - 11.
Information about the ÖH Federal Representation can be found here:
The following levels of representation were elected at our university of applied sciences:
The task of the Federal Representation is to help shape higher education policy. It represents the concerns of students vis-à-vis the ministries, the Higher Education Conference, the University of Applied Sciences Conference, the Rectors' Conference of University Colleges of Teacher Education, the Austrian Private Universities Conference and the Universities Conference.
The university representation, on the other hand, represents the concerns of the students towards the respective educational institution - in our case the UAS Technikum Wien. Depending on the election results, the university representation is made up of representatives from the respective list and represents the concerns of students vis-à-vis UAS Technikum Wien. It is the point of contact for students.
Individuals are elected to represent study programs instead of lists. In addition to the year representatives, they are the direct point of contact for problems and concerns for students in the respective field of study. Degree course representatives can waive 6 ETCS points per semester for courses in the area of soft skills or English.
Here you can find the past list of all student representatives at UAS Technikum Wien including their respective number of mandataries.
It was also possible to apply for a polling card this year. This was possible from May 2.
The polling card had to be received by the electoral commission by 6 p.m. on 10.05.2023 at the latest and filled in correctly for the vote to be valid.
Only the federal representation and university representation levels could be voted for by ballot card. It was only possible to vote for student representatives at the polling station.
The zone in which no election advertising could be distributed or worn openly ("prohibited zone") encompassed the entire common area of the auditorium of the A building from the entrance, including the stairs to the first floor, to the Teaching and Learning Center. As well as outside the main entrance area of the A building.