Compulsory attendance Yes or No?

Generally, there are no compulsory attendance.

You only have to attend if the teacher has announced this at the beginning of the course.

See § 5. Anwesenheit in the constitution Studienrechtliche Bestimmungen Prüfungsordnung:
(1) Die Anwesenheitspflicht hängt vom didaktischen Konzept und den Prüfungsmodalitäten einer Lehrveranstaltung ab, ist in Abstimmung zwischen der Lehrveranstaltungs- und Studiengangsleitung festzulegen und den Studierenden zu Beginn der Lehrveranstaltung bekannt zu geben.

How do I get recognition of prior learning and exemption of courses?

In order to be able to get recognition of prior learning and exemption a course, you must go to the lecturer within the first two weeks, starting from the beginning of the course, and present appropriate certificates confirming this. Please contact your degree program assistant for the exact stages of appeal to inquire! If you have documents that show the content of the course or the lesson in school, then take them with you in any case! Thus, you may better argue that you already learned what is taught here in the course and that you already have graduated positive!

The lecturer is not allowed to conduct an examination with you in case the topics match! Not even with the argument that she / he must check if you still can remember the subject!

You can find this in §12. Fachhochschulstudiengesetz or in § 4. Anerkennung nachgewiesener Kenntnisse, in the constitution Prüfungsordnung der FH (you can find both in CIS).

There it says: “Bei Feststellung der Gleichwertigkeit sind positiv absolvierte Prüfungen anzuerkennen. Eine Wissensüberprüfung ist in diesen Fällen nicht vorzusehen.”

What must I do if I get sick?

You have to send a sick note signed by a doctor to the appropriate course of studies assistance. The teachers will then be informed about your absence. Therefore should happen as soon as possible, preferably before you do not attend a course.

Nevertheless it is always a good idea to also inform your teachers yourself if you cannot attend their courses.

Which courses must be completed again if I retake an term?

In principle, all courses that were negative in the respective semester.

However, the course management may stipulate that even positive completed courses have to be repeated, provided they can adequately explain this.

In such cases, please feel free to contact us.

Until when do exams have to be corrected?

The test results must be announced no later than 4 weeks after the exam!

If this is not the case, please contact your class representative, who will then write a friendly e-mail to the teacher(s) asking them to announce the results.

Here you have en excerpt of the Fachhochschulstudiengesetz (FHStg)

§17 Assessments of performance

(4) Certificates must be issued immediately, but at the latest within four weeks of the performance to be assessed; collective certificates must be issued within four weeks of the end of the semester.

You can also find this in the examination regulations of the UAS in §10 (7)