General information

Year representatives ("JGV" for short ) are set up for each year of all degree and course programs. All regular and non-degree students of UAS Technikum Wien can stand for election; all regular and non-degree students can also vote.

Year group representatives are elected for one year; the number of people elected depends on the size of the year group, with a maximum of 45 students there are 2 people, from 46 students there are 4.


The year representatives represent the interests of the students at year level and are responsible for coordinating and forwarding requests (e.g. postponement of exam dates) and problems of the year group or individual courses to the secretariat, the head of degree program and teaching staff. They therefore deal with the concerns and represent the opinions and interests of the entire year group.

The year representatives must perform their duties conscientiously and selflessly.


Year representatives may apply for board examinations instead of individual examinations. They may choose the examiner from the second examination onwards. 

By acting as a year group representative, they may have one soft skill or English course per academic year waived.

Year group representatives have a reduced attendance requirement and an exemption should it be necessary due to their function.


Elections are held in October via Moodle. The dates for candidacy and elections in the respective year groups are sent out via email. There is a one-week candidacy period and a four-day election period the following week if there are more candidacies than available JGV places.

To stand for election as a year group representative, it is sufficient to create a post in Moodle with your candidacy and possibly a short description of yourself (not a must!).

Further information

Further information and documents can be found in our downloads, in the CIS and in the HTW statutes: