Semesterclosing SS 2018
Here are a few impressions of the Semesterclosing party in the summer semester 2018. Please excuse the poor picture quality – we had a few problems with our usual cameras 😉
Here are a few impressions of the Semesterclosing party in the summer semester 2018. Please excuse the poor picture quality – we had a few problems with our usual cameras 😉
Hier einige Impressionen von der Semesterclosing-Feier im Sommersemester 2018. Entschuldigt bitte die schlechte Bildqualität, wir hatten Probleme mit unseren üblichen Kameras.
Here are the pictures taken at the semesteropening party at the beginning of the winter semester 2017.
Hier die Fotos der HTW Semesteropeningfeier zum Start des Wintersemesters 2017/18.