Translation of the homepage
In the course of renewing our homepage template we also want to translate all the content. Currently this is a work in progress, so don’t be alarmed if you are redirected to the German version of this website.
DetailsIn the course of renewing our homepage template we also want to translate all the content. Currently this is a work in progress, so don’t be alarmed if you are redirected to the German version of this website.
DetailsVergesst nicht darauf, euer neues Semesterticket zu kaufen und euren Studierendenausweis bei einem der FH-Automaten zu verlängern!
Studierst du auf der FH Technikum Wien und möchtest auf das Kronehit Beatpatrol Festival 2017 gehen? In Kooperation mit NXP verlosen wir 2 Tickets dafür: Lass uns einfach bis zum 30. September wissen, auf welche Band du dich am meisten freust!
Are you a student at the UAS Technikum Wien and do you want to go to the Kronehit Beatpatrol Festival 2017? We are giving away 2 tickets for it in cooperation with NXP: To be eligible to win one of them simply let us know to which band you are looking forward the most! The…
DetailsDon’t forget to by your new public transportation semester ticket and to renew your student card! You can also do it online on